Safety case, under Singapore’s WSH(MHI) regulations mention above, MHI is required to develop its safety case, demonstrate it to the MHD and convince them that the strategy for managing safety is satisfactory, through the adoption of ALARP principle.
Singapore Safety Training Centre provides Safety Case development with our 3 Step approach via the following services and solutions.
1. First Step - Safety Case Gap Analysis: This step compares your facility’s existing documentation and procedures against the requirements of the Safety Case Regime for MHIs, identifies lacking information or documentation, and enables you to accurately plan and organise your Safety Case developmental schedule.
2. Second Step - Safety Case Development: Our consultants provide a one-stop solution to develop a Safety Case report.
3. Third Step - Safety Case Mentoring: With our pool of experts and database of the previous success cases, Singapore Safety Training Centre is ready to help your facility develop your company's Safety Case in-house capability.
We provide advisory support to your company’s Safety Case team and guides them in the right direction to efficiently develop a professional Safety Case for submission and assists them during MHD meetings.
Safety case, under Singapore’s WSH(MHI) regulations mention above, MHI is required to develop its safety case, demonstrate it to the MHD and convince them that the strategy for managing safety is satisfactory, through the adoption of ALARP principle.
Singapore Safety Training Centre provides Safety Case development with our 3 Step approach via the following services and solutions.
1. First Step - Safety Case Gap Analysis: This step compares your facility’s existing documentation and procedures against the requirements of the Safety Case Regime for MHIs, identifies lacking information or documentation, and enables you to accurately plan and organise your Safety Case developmental schedule.
2. Second Step - Safety Case Development: Our consultants provide a one-stop solution to develop a Safety Case report.
- They will work with your facility’s Safety Case team, to study and understand safety critical information.
- Identification of Major Accident Scenarios (MAS) and Selection of Safety Critical Events (SCE) using HAZID/HAZOP methodologies.
- Review and development and/or improvement of documentation requirements for Safety Case: Major Hazard Accident Prevention Policy(MAPP),Safety Health Management System(SHMS), Emergency Response Planning(ERP). (Including review of MAPP and ERP in light of any “domino effects”).
- Full documentation of the Technical Aspects required for Safety Case that describe the risk reduction measures (preventive controls and mitigation) to prevent MAS from occurring, including such areas as:
- Process Safety
- Mechanical Systems
- Electrical, Controls and Instrumentation (EC&I) Systems
- Human Factors
- Develop ALARP demonstration, along with the Safety Case report, and assist them during MHD meetings
3. Third Step - Safety Case Mentoring: With our pool of experts and database of the previous success cases, Singapore Safety Training Centre is ready to help your facility develop your company's Safety Case in-house capability.
We provide advisory support to your company’s Safety Case team and guides them in the right direction to efficiently develop a professional Safety Case for submission and assists them during MHD meetings.